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ASC Accreditation
Medicare Certification
Made Easy Nationwide

Accredia is the #1 source to providing solutions to Ambulatory Surgery Centers. Accredia prepares your facility for inspection.

Our level of support bars none. Medical and Health staff say we are the best in solving complex questions, and we know what’s important—your patients, not your patience.

With a combined 20 years of experience, the Accredia team is ready to help. We help 100’s of surgery centers pass all required inspections.
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L o g T e m p l a t e s a n d F o r m s

Expert service to invest in. Everything you need to pass your inspection.
Our professional team is here to help you with any questions or concerns. Learn more about your rights and requirements. Surgery Center Accreditation can be complicated. Accredia strives to simplify the process so you have less stress and worries.